Sunday, November 14, 2010

Atlantic vs. Pacific

Yes, we had the whole beach to ourselves.  This is why homeschooling is awesome.

The shells....the Atlantic has tons of shells!  The kids were in heaven.

The water is so clear....and warm, even in November.

If this were the pacific my people would not be swimming!

The bummer is that we live in California, we visit the Pacific often and it is beautiful in its own way, but as my friend Brit says the Atlantic is "AWESOMER."

1 comment:

  1. We live in Washington State only an hour to an hour and a half from the beach and I agree...the Pacific is COLD!!! I have family who live in Florida and the Carolinas and all of their pictures include them playing in the ocean.

    My girls will play in the water when we go to the ocean but I think they're crazy.
