Monday, February 28, 2011

A Fat Quarter to make one!

I dreamed this up today.  I am sure I am not the first, there is nothing new under the sun after all, but it was new to me.  A skirt from fat quarters was my idea.  I dug around in my sewing stuff to see what I had that would coordinate.  If I would have gone to the fabric store I would have picked out something much more lively, but this worked in a pinch so I could get my idea rolling.

Here are my two fat quarters.

I cut each quater in half and then cut each half in half, which gave me eight strips of fabric that were 18 inches by 4-1/2 inches.  (I would say this skirt is a 2T and you would probably want to add another fat quarter for each size you go up, 3 for a 3T, 4 for a 4T.) With right sides together, pin and sew down the long side with a 5/8 inch seam.

Continue adding strips until you have used them all.

Once you have sewn all the strips together, pin the ends, with right sides together and sew at 5/8 inch.

Press all your seems flat, or if you are really cool you will have used a serger to sew all these strips together!

Make a casing for your elastic.  Fold over 1/2 inch and press, then fold over 1 inch and press and pin.  Sew along edge, leaving an opening big enough for your elastic to fit through.  (Be sure to back stitch at the beginning and end of the opening.) I was using 1/2 inch elastic.  I use my elastic as a guide for how big to make my casing.  Thread elastic through the casing and check for fit.  Sew ends together using a zig-zag stitch, going over it several times for strength.

In the same way you made the casing, make the hem.  I like a wide hem.  It is less likely to curl up in the washer.  Fold and press fabic 1/2 inch and then fold over again and press at 1 inch.  Stitch close to the top of the fold.  Your done! 

I have never written directions on sewing anything.  I hope these are clear enough.  This is really simple, but you can always leave me a comment with a question and I will comment back with an answer.


  1. What a great skirt. I came over from RH Link up. I can't wait to make one. I have a ton of fat quarters and little girls who love skirts. The directions are super easy to follow.

  2. Your directions on sewing are a lot better than mine : ) Mine is generally along the lines of, click on this link to see the directions I followed : )
